Soundscape Tours of Main South

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 at 4:30pm | Meet at Red Square

How can we proceed as activists, artists, social scientists, researchers, naturalists, chroniclers, environmentalists, and engaged citizens to better understand and respond actively to the sounds of our environment? Following on Norman Long’s lecture on this topic (How Soundwalks Engage Communities on Monday, September 21 @ 7pm), we’ll answer this question for ourselves by—of course—conducting soundwalks in the neighborhood around our campus.

Join us for a curated 30-minute walking tour with focused listening, a way of encouraging participants to better understand our sonic world. Hildegard Westerkamp, founder of the World Forum of Acoustic Ecology, defines soundwalking as “… any excursion whose main purpose is listening to the environment. It is exposing our ears to every sound around us no matter where we are.

The soundwalks will be led by students in MUSC125 – Musical Acoustics. We’ll depart from Red Square on Thursday, Sept 24 @ 4:30pm.

Please email Michelle Sayles at to register.

Learn more about soundwalks

Learn more about Listening in Nature Week here.