How to let go of the world

How to let go of the world 
and love all the things climate can’t change 
Filmmaker Josh Fox visits twelve countries as he investigates climate change, and acknowledges that it may be too late to stop some of the worst consequences; if so, what is it that climate change can’t destroy?

Tim DeChristopher, climate activist who is featured in the film, will join us for a conversation after the screening.

Tim DeChristopher disrupted an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in December of 2008, by posing as Bidder 70 and outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyonlands National Parks in Utah.

For his act of civil disobedience, DeChristopher was sentenced to two years in federal prison. Held for a total of 21 months, his imprisonment earned him an international media presence as an activist and political prisoner of the United States government. He has used this as a platform to spread the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for bold, confrontational action in order to create a just and healthy world. Tim used his prosecution as an opportunity to organize the climate justice organization Peaceful Uprising in Salt Lake City, and most recently founded the Climate Disobedience Center. He continues the work to defend a livable future.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 at 7pm | Sackler 120