Climate Change Teach-In 2015

Climate chaos is and will increasingly alter our world. The changes taking place in the Earth’s biosphere are re-defining the human future in ways we are only beginning to fathom; business as usual is no longer possible. How might we at Clark respond in our educational commitments and as a community? The Teach-in is an opportunity to better understand this crisis collectively, and to consider our responsibilities and opportunities as educators, students and citizens.   We will address this question together on March 26 through these guiding questions:

  • What is the nature of the climate-change crisis? What is happening to the biosphere of the Earth?
  • Why is this happening, and what do these changes mean for different human populations and for all life on Earth?
  • How do we wish to conduct ourselves in the face of danger, uncertainty, and a growing sense of urgency?
  • What future do we want, and how can we act to influence the future?

A campus-wide Teach-in on Climate Change at Clark University will take place on Thursday, March 26. The Teach-in is aimed at increasing awareness of what is taking place in the unfolding climate crisis, and deepening honest conversations about and creative responses to it. Keynote talks will be given by climate change scientist Susi Moser, Ph.D. ’97, and ecologist Christopher Uhl of Penn State. Nearly 50 teach-in sessions (led by Clark faculty and others), a campus-wide Council session, and an evening film festival also are planned. Both plenaries and selected sessions of both the teach-in and the Council will be live-streamed.


Full teach-in website: